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Showing posts from January, 2020

Welcome to a new way to look at organizing

Prim and Proper Method is a new business created to help people to get organized, maintain the space, and enjoy their life. I have always been a naturally organized person. It is something that just makes sense to me and I feel so much better when my life is organized. Because it is something that seems to be so natural to me, I thought everyone could do it, so how would I make a business out of it? I felt like I needed to figure out an algorithm that after talking to a client and seeing their space I will know exactly how to help them. So I started asking friends and family some questions about organizing and what they do now and what they wish they could do. I read books, blogs and magazines. I listened to podcasts and audiobooks. After much thought to names and styles I think I have come up with my "algorithm". So far I have broken my ideas down into 4 categories, I'm quickly learning I need to maybe think of a couple more because many of us have 2 styles- so that is a