So you are Precise! You love to create and make projects. You also love to make piles, you want to be organized and crave it but sometimes don't have time. And why put things away that you are just going to use tomorrow? You are a visual detailed organizer. You love to have things grouped together and sometimes even make subcategories with in those groups. You also want to see what you have, you want it put away but so you can see it.

Let's start in the kitchen, kitchens are designed to keep your belongings hidden. Some of you I'm sure are ok with some items being hidden. You probably were close to also being Persnickety. So you probably don't have many problems in the kitchen- but do you wish you could have all the items you use everyday in your reach everyday? I have added some pictures that can give you and idea of ways to display your tools in an eye pleasing way, but also a way that will help you to have your clutter organized. Because you love projects and organization you can try some very detailed organization in the fridge and freezer.

If you are a creature of habit then this will be very easy and you can use permanent labels, and clear bins- you can find them almost anywhere- I love going to T.J.Maxx or HomeGoods. They have many sizes, styles and are a fraction of the cost. If you and your family like to have different things every grocery shopping trip, I suggest finding a more temporary label system. I have recently discovered this
Dry Erase Duct Tape! When you need a new label you just erase the words and write the new label! So love this idea. Chalkboard labels are also wonderful for this.

In the Pantry keep it clear, use like containers. You can get as detailed as you would like. Use labels for you and your family to easily and quickly find or put away things. You will be happy when it all looks alike. Take all of the food items out of their boxes, this will help your eye and bring you peace within!
If you are limited on space you can
use a over the door clear shoe hanger and have all of your cleaning supplies in one place and with in reach and visible and organized. you could easily label each one so everyone can help you put them back where it belongs! Also keeping your kitchen counters organized by the sink can be cute and functional. This examples is using a fruit basket to hold towels, soap, lotions, and the sink stopper.

Lets talk closets, Linen, Bedroom and Drop Stations;

Go ahead, organize based on Color, sleeve length, season- whatever makes you happy. You can accomplish this by scheduling time in your busy life to organize and finish it. First I suggest to pick a weekend that you can dedicate at least 4 hours to just a closet. Schedule 4 hours on a Sunday afternoon at least a week away from now. Then a few minutes during the evenings of that week, look at your space, think about what you want. Use Pinterest and find ideas that make you happy- look for pictures that have clears bins, detailed organization and allow everyday items exposed. Find what you like, then on Saturday take an hour or two to purchase the items you will need. If you need to schedule it a few weeks out to get the budget you need to accomplish this then do that. Then on Sunday you can put it all together and you will have your dream area. Don't be afraid to get rid of things that you don't use, love or, need. When you are dealing with your clothes take everything out and touch each item you have. Then decide to keep, donate and maybe. Then start with hanging clothes, and organize how it makes you happy. Some ideas are to do by season, or color, and like items. When you are organizing items that you want folded, then you can get totes, or drawers, or even hanging shelves, but keep it see through/ open. Your shoes need to

be on a shelf or on a shoe holder. You will not use the shoe boxes. Maybe shoes that you hardly use you can put in a clear shoe tote. Another idea for your shoes is for those who don't have enough space for all of their shoes out at once, you can get a larger clear tote and store your shoes in by season. Also back of the door shoe hangers are a great choice for you if you don't have enough space. Drop zones can become beautiful works of art in your home. Because you love to see your items while having them in detailed organization. Utilize the wall space you have to create a drop zone if you don't have a specific spot in your home. A drop zone is the area you want to have everything that you need to get out of the house right there. It works best if it's close to your door that you come into most, and when you stop to put your things away before you come into the house. It is great for kids to get use to a routine of taking off shoes, coats, and backpacks right as they come into the house. It's also the best time for them to empty school papers . Here is my school paper organization system for more details on that. And you can have your mail system in your drop zone. A spot for keys, purse, wallets, and even phones need to be here. Stamps and envelopes so you can get your mail together on your way out the door. Linen closets are an area where you might have a little bit of a hard time because you want to see it, but you just can make it look the way you want it to by just putting folded sheets on a shelf. An easy way to help you is by getting some cute wire baskets and start folding and put them away any way you choose. Medicines always need to be found when you don't plan on needing them. I have two locations for medicines and first aid kits, one in the pantry and another in our upstairs linen closet. You can pick any location you want of course, but you will want to make sure that you have divided space for each type of medicine you have. Or if you have a lot of family member who take medicines everyday then you could divide them by people. Whatever you like better. I love this small clear plastic tower of drawers because you can label it any way you want but all of the medicines are together!
Now, lets talk craft rooms!!! This is where my precise people can use all of their creativity and visual detailed organization to create a room that is not only functional but beautiful. Always start with taking everything out so you know what space you are working with, and can start with your plan. I know that you enjoy being creative and you love to start projects.

This is a space that Most likely you will use something for another project. And if you find yourself continuing to say that to yourself then find a medium size clear tote, and add your "maybe I can use this for a project" stuff to it. Once its full then you can't add any more. And if you really want to hang onto one thing- take something else out that you realize you don't want. Then you have one space for "future projects"!
If you don't have a full room to make into a craft room then fin a closet you can turn into a craft area. Its amazing what you can do when you think outside of the box.
So to end, follow these steps to get your space organized. Set a date to work on your project. Look at ideas of what you would like your space to look like. Buy materials to make it function for you. Keep your bins clear, wire baskets, peg boards, easy for you to see your things. Take everything out of your space, organize them by keep, donate, move to another area of the home, trash, and maybe. The build your space. Take your bins and your keep pile and start to organize by like. And then once you have it by like, go ahead and organize by size, color, holiday, ect.. If you have room you can start to go through your maybe pile and take another look of what you want to keep. If you don't have room then you can look at the maybe pile and if there is something you want to keep, then take out something that you wanted to keep. And then when you are working on projects you can easily put your tools away, because it will be easy to get them out again to use.
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